
STARGUM Stankiewicz Sp. j.

TAX ID number: PL8542434414

Address: ul. Cieplna 7
73-110 Stargard

Telephone: +48 91 578 80 08
e-mail: sales@stargum.pl

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Our Team

Jan Stankiewicz

Jan Stankiewicz

General Manager


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 05
mobile (+48) 502 496 070
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Daniel Bożko

Daniel Bożko

Sales Manager


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 08
mobile (+48) 502 496 081
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Irma Lipecka

Irma Lipecka

Sales Manager


tel. (+48) 578 80 08

mobile (+48) 502 919 093
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Dariusz Gołębiowski

Dariusz Gołębiowski

Sales Specialist


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 08

mobile (+48) 519 531 975
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Milena Kokoszanek

Milena Kokoszanek

Sales Specialist


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 08
mobile (+48) 519 531 995
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Urszula Stankiewicz

Urszula Stankiewicz

Marketing Manager


mobile (+48) 503 071 232
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Bożena Stankiewicz

Bożena Stankiewicz

Production Manager


mobile (+48) 502 496 086

Marek Stankiewicz

Marek Stankiewicz

Production Manager Deputy


mobile (+48) 502 496 085
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Anna Szczepańska

Anna Szczepańska

Quality and Environmental Systems Specialist


mobile (+48) 519 531 951
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Mariola Stankiewicz

Mariola Stankiewicz

Human Resources


mobile (+48) 501 129 002
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Our Team

Jan Stankiewicz

Jan Stankiewicz

General Manager


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 05
mobile (+48) 502 496 070
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Daniel Bożko

Daniel Bożko

Sales Manager


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 08
mobile (+48) 502 496 081
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Irma Lipecka

Irma Lipecka

Sales Manager


tel. (+48) 578 80 08

mobile (+48) 502 919 093
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Dariusz Gołębiowski

Dariusz Gołębiowski

Sales Specialist


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 08

mobile (+48) 519 531 975
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Milena Kokoszanek

Milena Kokoszanek

Sales Specialist


tel. (+48) 91 578 80 08
mobile (+48) 519 531 995
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Urszula Stankiewicz

Urszula Stankiewicz

Marketing Manager


mobile (+48) 503 071 232
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Bożena Stankiewicz

Bożena Stankiewicz

Production Manager


mobile (+48) 502 496 086

Marek Stankiewicz

Marek Stankiewicz

Production Manager Deputy


mobile (+48) 502 496 085
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Anna Szczepańska

Anna Szczepańska

Quality and Environmental Systems Specialist


mobile (+48) 519 531 951
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Mariola Stankiewicz

Mariola Stankiewicz

Human Resources


mobile (+48) 501 129 002
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